What's New
- 2022.06.21
- We would like to cordially thank you for your participation in The 13th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (ACOMFR 2022)/The 62nd general assembly and annual scientific congress of Japanese Society for Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (JSOMFR).
It is a tribute to all concerned that the meeting has been successfully concluded. - 2022.06.17
- Registration is closed.
- 2022.06.08
- 歯科専門医共通講師のオンデマンド配信を開始しました。
Opening Remarks is now on On-demand delivery. - 2022.06.03
- Opening Remarks broadcasted.
Thank you for all who participated in the live streaming.
On-demand delivery started. - 2022.04.15
- Abstract submission is closed.
- 2022.03.31
- Abstract submission is re-extended to April 15, 2022.
- 2022.03.15
- Registration is now open!
- 2022.02.24
- Abstract submission is extended to March 31, 2022.
- 2022.02.22
- Updated Presenter's Information page
- 2022.02.14
- Updated Committee, Scientific Program, Social Program, (Japanese Participants Only) 歯科専門医共通研修 pages.
- 2021.11.19
- Re-opened Abstract Submission page
- 2021.07.19
- Re-opened congress website