2017年10月6日(金)・7日(土) 富山県民会館にて 第129回中部日本整形外科災害外科学会・学術集会を開催致します。

You may want a chance to look at some videos and papers on Wide Awake hand surgery before the congress.
The important papers below have links to videos.
Here is a link to free access to more WALANT papers and movies that are not included in this site http://handsurgery.org/Pre-Course.cgi
The papers are summarized in the Wide Awake hand surgery book with over 150 videos available at http://www.thieme.com/books-main/orthopaedic-surgery/product/4210-wide-awake-hand-surgery. I make no money on the book. All profits go to the AAHS lean and green effort created to decrease unnecessary garbage and cost in hand surgery.
Dr. Don Lalonde
Professor Surgery
Dalhousie University

参考資料 DL


事務局長:下条 竜一

富山大学医学部 整形外科 〒930-0194 富山市杉谷2630


株式会社 オフィス・テイクワン

〒451-0075 名古屋市西区康生通2-26 TEL:052-508-8510/FAX:052-508-8540 E-mail:chubu-seisai129@cs-oto.com